I agree with you that this warning could promote more childless couples!
Nowadays, many employees are working remotely so I would think that their work schedule is better by being at home!?
I think this SG was looking for something to warn about and thought this is a good one. I am rolling my eyes. The problem is that people don’t want responsibility and want a care-free life—it’s all about me—mentality. A healthy society embraces children, families, but that has been eroding from a sneaky agenda that has infiltrated every institution. The Amish, the Orthodox Jews and conservative Catholics keep forming large families and interestingly, most of these children are well behaved and help take care of their younger siblings. They are our models and our hope. Life is not easy, but we must enjoy the good and hard experiences that parenting entails. Seeing your children grown and managing on their own should be a parents’ best reward.
I think you are probably right that the SG needed something to focus on and chose parenting. Still, there are so many other issues that he could be warning people about.
I agree with you that this warning could promote more childless couples!
Nowadays, many employees are working remotely so I would think that their work schedule is better by being at home!?
I think this SG was looking for something to warn about and thought this is a good one. I am rolling my eyes. The problem is that people don’t want responsibility and want a care-free life—it’s all about me—mentality. A healthy society embraces children, families, but that has been eroding from a sneaky agenda that has infiltrated every institution. The Amish, the Orthodox Jews and conservative Catholics keep forming large families and interestingly, most of these children are well behaved and help take care of their younger siblings. They are our models and our hope. Life is not easy, but we must enjoy the good and hard experiences that parenting entails. Seeing your children grown and managing on their own should be a parents’ best reward.
I think you are probably right that the SG needed something to focus on and chose parenting. Still, there are so many other issues that he could be warning people about.