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The key to doing God's will is faith and belief that complete union with God (theosis) is our purpose. We must have stillness (hesyhia) to hear God's voice which requires a stepping aside from the hustle of the world. Yet, it also requires humility, discernment, and alertness for there other other spirits who would come to deceive us. Satan himself can and will masquerade as an angel of light to lead us astray, to puff us up with pride, and have us engulfed in spirtual delusion (prelest)."

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places", but fear not for we were promised that He will never leave us. "Put not your trust in princes in sons of man", but trust in the forgiving Creator. We will fall and fail, but if we remain humble and sincerely seek the Truth/Him, He will be revealed.

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