I stand with...
The innocent people of the Congo
The Uyghurs and Tibetans
The innocent people of Haiti
The innocent people of Gaza and the West Bank
The Russian people who want peace
The dozens of priests and religious who have been kidnapped and murdered in Nigeria
The tens of thousands of women and children who are victims of sex trafficking in the United States each year
The innocent people of North Korea
The people of Western North Carolina, many of whom are still in need of housing and aid following last year's flooding
The mentally ill in the United States who live on the streets and don't get the services they need and deserve
The 1,600 Afghans who were abandoned and still await refuge in the United States
How about you?
The point is that the media focus on one issue so that flags can be waved and those who don't seem to offer full support can be portrayed as heartless Neanderthals. You can and should care about what's happening in one country, but understand others need our concern and possibly our help. Many of them get little to no media attention. Some of them live in our own country. There's no flag to post on social media to show our support. What can we do for them?